On August 24, 2017 I found myself having to make one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make yet. This was without doubt a no 'walk in the park' situation. To some it would have looked like the most absurd thing to do but, I didn't have a choice at this point. On this day Tatenda and I got on a plane and flew away leaving Malakai and Makaila behind.
In many African cultures you hear the statement "it takes a village to raise a child." I never knew how significant a statement that was until my wife and I came head to head with the decision to either leave our children in daycare or have them spend time with their grandparents. What do you do when you're getting into a car, bags loaded, and say goodbye to your crying child as you head to a country thousands of miles away? I remember standing in the room my folks had so happily accommodated us in for the past 2 weeks only to realize that the time had come to say goodbye. I stood in that room with Tatenda, looking at the bags and said a few simple words that broke me..."I'm going to miss our kids." My heart sank as the tears flowed down my face, the time had certainly come when I had to say goodbye.
I had to say goodbye because sometimes the best decision lies ahead of the deep understanding that all things belong to God and are with us for a season which He determines.
I had to say goodbye because in order to make a meaningful future for your children you have got to be able to make sacrifices
I had to say goodbye because there comes a point when the best thing for your kids involves a decision that lands them a distance away
I had to say goodbye because Malakai and Makaila needed to connect with more than just us
In this season I began to understand what it means to actually miss your child. In this season I began to understand what it means to hold your child and just listen to their precious voices share about that things life has thrown at their little blossoming minds. In this season I began to understand the importance of relationships and how God uses them to help us feel what He feels over us. It was definitely a hard pill to swallow but I knew that without this season they would not know what it means to grow up where their mom and dad did. As I look back on that day and now the many Skype calls we've had I realize that the hardest decision turned out for the best because the children are happy, healthy, and in a loving environment.
Kids, if you ever find yourself in a tough spot requiring a really tough decision, remember that the decision you make should always be pleasing to the one who created you and I.
Love Daddy
Leaving kids with other people is really difficult.Its important for kids to know their grandparents.My mother stays with us so i am happy about that.Wish that the paternal grandparents were there also.