With each new day comes milestone after milestone. You either have an opportunity to celebrate or hang your head in what seems to be defeat, storing up energy for next the challenge. The thing is, parenting isn't easy, especially for a first generation immigrant looking to set a foundation for his/her children. Where we came from we grew up on the privilege of help. If it wasn't the helping hand of a helper, a.k.a sisi (meaning sister), in the house it was an aunt, cousin or sibling.
Off late I've watched the queen of my castle run left right and center to cater to the "mini royalty" in our home. If you had asked us 6 years ago if this would be the chapter we had envisioned we may have second guessed, but through it all is the milestones. The moments you can pause and take stock of what God has done thus far. As a husband I'm amazed what my wife can do in the space of 30 minutes. I'm equally amazed at what I have learnt about what God has put in me and continues to mould in us as we walk this journey. To hear Malakai recite the alphabet in his own unique way, all the while asking for a banana (more like anana, which surprisingly is pineapple in French) brings to light those milestones.

"Moms and dads out there Embrace each mile you get to walk with your family."
Lest I forget little Miss Kay-Kay is now starting to move about. Getting on her hands and knees isn't problem though she tends to give her mom a heart attack from time to time. It's fun to see life unveil its many mysteries courtesy of God. And more fun when you can sit down in the silence of your home after the kids have stopped crying and settled for bed.
Moms and dads out there embrace each mile you get to walk with your family and the tranquility that comes after a hard fought day. All I can say is it's an honour to walk each mile with you Tatenda and to you tots, you may try terrorize us but we will keep loving you more through the poopie diapers and temper tantrums.